Fiscal Year 2024/25 Resolutions
24_25-01 A Resolution Approving the FY 24_25 Salary Schedule.pdf24_25-02 A Resolution Establishing the Committed and Assigned Fund Balance Amounts for FY 24_25.pdf24_25-03 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 2 Motorola APX6000XE Portable Radios.pdf24_25-04 Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of 4 Apparatus Bay Doors from Hormann High Speed Doors.pdf24_25-05 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 200 VHF Radios from Cross Connections Emergency Services.pdf24_25-06 Resolution Adopting the Final Budget for FY 24_25.pdf24_25-07 Resolution Relating the Industrial Disability Retirement of Fire Engineer Gerald Howell.pdf24-25_08 Resolution Approving the Sole Source Procurement and Installation of 1 Fire Alarm Control Panel by Jonson Controls Fire Protection.pdf