History of the District
The Alpine Fire Protection District was formed in 1957 to provide fire protection to the community of Alpine. The Fire District currently has 16 paid employees operating out of one fire station with an annual operating budget of $4.4 million.

The Alpine Fire Protection District is approximately 37.1 square miles with an estimated population of 17,747. In 2021, the District responded to over 1,800 requests for service ranging from structure fires, traffic collisions, vehicle fires, wild land fires, and medical aids. The District also responds to miscellaneous calls such as snake removals and auto lockouts.
The Alpine Fire Protection District is a small semi-rural community made up of residential and light commercial occupancies. It is the "connective joint" between the cities in western San Diego County and the towns of eastern San Diego County. Interstate 8, a major east/west thoroughfare, bisects the district.

Most of the Alpine Fire Protection District is State Responsibility Area (SRA) except for the eastern third which is in the Cleveland National Forest. The District participates in auto-aid agreements with all surrounding agencies including: Viejas, Lakeside, San Miguel, Heartland Fire & Rescue, Santee, San Diego Rural FPD, CALFIRE and USFS. Through these agreements and technology provided through Heartland Fire Dispatch, the District uses a closest unit dispatch concept. That means if one of our auto-aid partners' engines is closer to you when you call 911 than our engine is, they will respond. Ensuring the residents and businesses of Alpine receive the quickest most appropriate response to their emergency.

The Alpine Fire Protection District has an Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of 2/2Y. The first number is the rating for those properties within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station and within 1000' of a fire hydrant. The second number is the rating for those properties within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station but beyond 1000' of a fire hydrant. The District was last rated by ISO in 2016. Prior to 2016 the rating was 3/8b.